How To Come Up With Trade Show Giveaways That Will Fit Your Budget

Standing out from the crowd is no doubt one of the biggest challenges of participating in a trade show. In the midst of a seemingly endless array of booths, with streams of people constantly coming and going, it can feel like an uphill battle. 

Luckily, it’s a near-universally acknowledged truth that people the world over love free stuff. Hence, well-conceived trade show giveaways remain a tried-and-true means of distinguishing your company and generating positive interest in your brand. Best of all, it’s more than possible to come up with giveaway ideas that won’t take a big bite out of your budget in the process. 

When it comes to thinking up quality giveaway items for your company’s next trade show, there’s no need to shell out for anything too fancy. There’s a wealth of affordable options you can make use of that will still manage to be both useful and memorable. Consider the following tips to help you zero in on the best possible giveaways.

Consider Items For Travel

People often come from long distances to attend trade shows, so travel essentials like personalized luggage tags or card protectors are as good as timeless options for a good giveaway. These not only serve as mementos of the experience for your prospects, but they also offer an additional convenient layer of security for important belongings and identification. Think of these giveaways as an extra-thoughtful way of saying “bon voyage!” that will accompany your customer home when the event concludes and on the travels that come after.

Give Them Something That Works

A simple but surprisingly effective tip for a memorable giveaway is to give the customer something they can make use of frequently. Interacting regularly with the item, after all, means more opportunities for them to think about where they got it, who gave it to them, and the experiences they’ve had or will have with your company. 

Keychains, bottle openers, and portable flashlights, for example, are all viable choices for practical giveaway items that are likely to see a lot of use in your customer’s daily life. You could even help your customers go eco-friendly with a handy branded tote bag. Not only do totes afford great convenience and also reduce waste by eliminating the need for single-use shopping bags, but they double as a great source of free advertising via logos, too!

Take Inspiration From The Location Or Season

When it comes to figuring out ways to maximize your giveaway item’s usefulness or its originality, you’ll always do well to consider the context of the trade show you’ll be giving it away at in the first place. What are the key characteristics of the show’s location? Are there any particular conveniences your giveaway can afford people for the duration of their stay in that place? 

Provide potential customers with free sunglasses at a sunny seaside locale and they’ll surely thank you for it. Meanwhile, a personalized umbrella handed out during the drippy season will let them know you’ve got them covered. Bearing these contextual factors in mind sends the message that, whatever product or service your company offers, you have an eye for the immediate concerns your customer might need addressed when they’re out in the real world.

Don’t Forget To Have Fun

It also helps on occasion to remind your customers that, committed as you are to what you do, your company need not necessarily just be all about work. You could promote your brand just as well, for instance, by giving away personalized stress balls in a fun shape that reflects your industry (e.g. an anatomical brain or heart if you work in the medical industry or an apple for education). 

Appeal to sticker-collectors of all ages by handing out sticker versions of company logos or slogans, which they can then place on notebook covers, their personal laptops or tablets, and more. Novelty giveaway items are not only interesting and entertaining, but they’re also a great way to highlight your brand’s personality and boost your memorability in a lighthearted way.

Sweeten The Experience

Personalized candies or chocolate might not last a lifetime—especially not when people are gobbling them up like, well, candy—but don’t underestimate the power they have to make a good impression. At a long-running event, they’ll be spending mostly out and about, attendees and team members alike will welcome that little sugar-induced boost to help keep them on their feet. Sweets are also a particularly good fit for events that take place around particular holidays, so don’t be afraid to tap into the spirit of the season. Give out candy canes during Christmas, for example, or spooky-shaped gummies at Halloween, and your customers are guaranteed to be all smiles as they walk away from your booth.

At the end of the day, the secret to a quality trade show giveaway has less to do with how much you’re willing to spend than how much thought you’re willing to put into the items you hand out. The important thing is to give your customers something fresh and unique to remember you by, and that often means bringing your giveaway in line with the experience of the trade show as a whole. 

Once you’re clear on the nature of the event, the role your company seeks to play in it, and the impression you’d like to get across to your prospects, rest assured that you’ll be just a step away from pinning down the perfect souvenir.