6 Ways To Optimize Warehouse Productivity

A warehouse is a commercial space that stores products and materials before businesses send them to retailers and end users. This area ensures that stores have sufficient stocks to minimize losing sales opportunities from customers.   

Investing in a cloud-based WMS enhances warehouse management systems, allowing companies to streamline daily operations, offer more responsive customer service, retain existing customers, avoid workplace-related accidents, and ensure they never run out of stock, ultimately contributing to the overall efficiency of the warehouse.

When companies invest in improving their warehouse management systems, they will likely run daily operations efficiently and meet their goals. In turn, they can offer more responsive customer service, retain existing customers, avoid workplace-related accidents, and ensure they never run out of stock.  

If you wish the same outcome for your warehouse, read on. This article provides six strategies for optimizing warehouse productivity for your company.  

1. Add Recognizable Signages 

Signages are graphic displays used to deliver communication to a specific audience. When placed in the workplace, these elements can provide additional safety to employees by alerting them about possible hazards within different areas. Moreover, businesses can use these display signs to eliminate inventory audit errors by increasing product visibility.  

Since signage is essential in the workplace and storage facilities, warehouse managers should consider attaching recognizable display signs within this commercial space. This process includes aisle signage, safety instruction for the underground staff, product labels for inventory managers, and caution signs for the production and maintenance employees.  

2. Adopt Vertical Racking System 

Vertical racking is a cost-efficient and safe method for storing longer goods. This system enables the warehouse staff to easily access stock products, pick them up, and deliver them quickly to retail areas. As a result, businesses can allocate more storage while widening their floor space, allowing employees to navigate the storage facilities and improve operations.  

Since vertical racking can enhance productivity within storage facilities, adopting this method is highly recommended. When choosing the right warehouse racking system, business owners must consider factors like budget, storage needs, accessibility, and durability of the pallets. In addition, they must opt for digital pallet racking software to double their storage space and vary the speed of the shuttle travel period.

3. Nurture Supplier Relations 

A supplier is a provider that delivers materials or services to other companies so they can produce their products. The role of this business partner is to ensure that they consistently provide durable goods from the original manufacturer at a reasonable price. When businesses have positive relationships with their suppliers, they can boost the efficiency of their operational activities and reduce costs. Suppliers will be more familiar with your organization and likely enhance their services to you.

Since a good partnership with suppliers can benefit warehouse productivity, business owners should consider developing a supplier management framework. This program will help them handle multiple suppliers by enabling real-time monitoring of deliverables and activating collaborations for new projects. In turn, their business partners will consistently deliver high-quality materials and eliminate complex issues in their operations.  

4. Provide Quality Training 

All successful companies provide business training to their employees because it includes activities that will help them acquire new skills. Once the workers have the proper theoretical and practical knowledge for specific tasks, they can perform their duties effectively. As a result, they will eliminate expensive manual input errors, reduce customer complaints, and boost the overall performance of the companies.  

That is why business owners must consider training their warehouse staff. They can communicate this initiative to their stakeholders so they will gain recommendations for improving the effectiveness of training results. For instance, they may consider outsourcing a trained speaker with years of experience in warehousing that will give their employees on-the-job expertise. 

5. Invest In Mobile Workstations 

A mobile workstation is an efficient method of transporting order packing and shipping stations to multiple locations within the storage facility. This advanced technology allows employees to avoid mislabelling items. Instead of repetitively returning to the receiving area to gather a batch of labels for incoming shipments, this modern equipment will ensure that each label is accurately applied.  

Since mobile workstations can increase warehouse workflow, business owners must invest in this modern device. When choosing advanced workstations, they must consider factors like pricing, power systems, durability, weight capacity, and measurements. Furthermore, they should check if they will need a slimmer or heavy-duty version of this equipment to narrow down their options. 

6. Prioritize Employee Safety 

Employee safety is a crucial element in the productivity of a working environment because it affects the continuous flow of operational processes. When organizations prioritize the safety of their staff, they can avoid costly workplace-related incidents and lessen frequent absenteeism. As a result, all workflows will continue to be productive, and businesses can always satisfy the product orders of their consumers.  

Since employee safety can improve productivity in storage facilities, business owners have to provide their staff with protection by having risk assessments. This strategy will ensure that only trained workers can use vehicles and equipment while following strict guidelines. Also, they must provide their employees with personal protective equipment (PPE), such as hard hats, steel-toed boots, masks, and eye goggles to avoid warehouse injuries.  

Key Takeaway 

Modern business owners should consider following these six effective strategies to optimize their warehouse productivity. Once they do so, they might reduce absenteeism due to workplace-related accidents and deliver the needs of their clients because they have the available inventory.

Author Bio:

Sara Johnson is a warehouse manager with over 12 years of industry experience. She writes blogs on the side to share her knowledge and expertise in her field. In her free time, she enjoys baking and playing with her kids.