5 Ways To Improve The Employee Onboarding Experience

An efficient onboarding process is a crucial aspect of the new-hire experience; it sets the tone for what's to come and the employee-employer relationship. Building a solid employee onboarding experience at your company can boost engagement and productivity, and reduce turnover and work-related problems. 

Despite the significance of deliberate, effective onboarding, most businesses still have work to do. With turnover rates at an all-time high, something must change from day one to keep employees from leaving - and onboarding is the first thing on the list. Most companies don't have a standardized onboarding procedure, and winging it often means a bad first impression. 

It’s important to understand that spending time and resources on building a systematic, high-quality employee onboarding process is vital for modern companies. By improving the onboarding experience of your new team members, you will not only help them make a smooth transition, and assimilate them into the new business culture, but also make them a great addition to your company from day one.

1. Take Charge

Plan and communicate proactively to improve staff onboarding. Engage with employees before their first day, for instance, you can start by emailing before their start date. This will make day one less overwhelming because they will know what to expect. 

You can also send them helpful information like your dress code or other important details. By discussing these things in advance, you may assist new team members to feel prepared and have a stress-free first day at their new job.

2. Take Advantage Of Technology

Modern technology simplifies everything, and when it comes to new hires, not only does it make the administrative part of the process much easier, but it can also be very helpful in offering a better onboarding experience. You can use images, infographics, videos, quizzes, webinars, etc., to help employees with training.

Digital and gamified training videos give an interactive, guided learning experience and visual and entertaining content is much more efficient for such purposes than simple text. You can also use employee onboarding software, designed specifically to help businesses provide the best onboarding experience. 

3. Personalize The Process

Another very important thing to take into consideration when you are developing your onboarding process is that every person coming to work at the company is unique. In today’s business climate, keeping good employees is becoming harder and harder, which is why companies prioritize job satisfaction and invest in developing employee retention strategies. Successful companies understand that first impressions are very important when it comes to job satisfaction.

Remember that having standardized onboarding doesn’t mean that it should be the same for each new hire. Onboarding should play to each new hire's skills, difficulties, and preferences.

To personalize the experience, you can use surveys to learn about the new hire's time management, task management, training, and communication preferences. By customizing the onboarding process for everyone, you can boost job satisfaction and productivity. 

4. Ask For Feedback 

Often the best way to improve employees' experience, or even clients' experience is to listen to their opinions, whether they’re positive or negative. Nothing can help you find great new ways to optimize the company’s onboarding more than asking your new employees for feedback on the process. With every new employee in your company, you have a chance to learn what works and discover what needs improving.

You can send anonymous questionnaires to new hires asking about their onboarding experience. What did they like about the process? What was useful and helpful? What was missing? What was unnecessary? How could you improve new hires' experience? By asking these questions, you can receive useful feedback and improve your company's onboarding process. More importantly, you will ensure your new hires feel heard and included. 

5. Make The Experience Social 

Getting to know coworkers is a common onboarding difficulty for new hires, so you should make onboarding social. By encouraging new hires to engage with the team, you may ease the getting-to-know-you stage and help them fit in. On day one, schedule lunch for them to meet management and staff. 

Introduce the new employee in the first week. Regular team-building events can assist them to make friends, adapt, and feel like part of the team. Whether in-house or remote, modern onboarding should be social. 


To ensure that your new hires feel supported, valued, and welcomed into your organization during their first few weeks with you, as well as help them become productive team members more quickly, it's crucial to get your employee onboarding right. Employees are much more likely to stay with a company longer if they had a positive onboarding experience, which is why it’s also crucial for boosting staff retention.