5 Clever Ways To Increase Your Remote Team’s Productivity

There is a saying that a happy team of employees is a productive team of employees. Satisfied workers are always there to put in the extra effort if needed, to achieve a set goal or quota.

So, what should you do when you see that your remote team’s productivity is not up to the mark? You can’t talk to them like you would in the traditional office setting, so you need to find different ways to address this issue.

In the past few years, remote work productivity has become a hot topic. Let’s take a look at some tips that can help you boost productivity and improve the entire company.

Try to come up with meaningful team-building activities

Creating a sense of community among members of a virtual team is one of the most difficult problems you may encounter. When everyone is working in their own compartment, it might be challenging to cultivate the collaboration and team spirit that is necessary for efficient teamwork.

Participating in activities that strengthen team bonds might aid momentum. However, because Zoom weariness is becoming more common, it is up to you to provide a meaningful experience for developing remote teams.

To check in with one another, take a virtual coffee break or an after-work drink. Encourage employees to take part in activities using a system of rewards and recognition rather than coercion. To encourage employees to spend time with their families and get away from their computers, consider footing the bill for a dinner out.

Use a tracking tool

Depending on the type of business you operate, you may want to invest in work time tracker tools that help you manage and monitor your remote staff. These tools can provide a comprehensive overview of your employees' time usage. With them, you may obtain reports detailing the apps and websites they are utilizing and the frequency of their breaks.

The reports allow you to compare employees, making it simple to identify outliers and how their performance may be affected.

If you have a sales staff, you may use cloud-based call center technologies that allow your employees to make calls remotely and provide you with the opportunity to manage metrics such as the total number of calls and the average length of each call.

With these tools, you may determine why some staff are underperforming and begin course correction. You may also discover someone is spending too much time on social media and neglecting to call clients.

Understanding what effective time management entails may raise the standard for everyone, thereby encouraging your team to do its best every day.

See if you can relax the schedule

You might consider loosening up your work schedule and allowing your employees to clock in and out at times that are most convenient for them.

For instance, some of your staff might be early birds while others prefer to work late into the night. If that's the case, you might want to think about letting your staff work during the times when they are at their most productive.

You can establish a period of time during which you anticipate your employees will be available if you have established business hours.

However, if they are finishing their work each day, you should allow them to choose when they will be most productive in the workplace. This will not only help boost the overall productivity levels but will also stimulate trust between management and the remote team.

Render feedback and listen to it

Getting feedback helps you zero in on problems, which enables you to make adjustments that lead to increased productivity. The feedback we receive can either be instructional or inspire us.

Make sure that employees are aware of their successes and provide them with positive reinforcement. When performance isn't up to par, provide explicit instructions on how to improve work, as well as resources to make course correction easier.

Going above and beyond the traditional once-a-year performance review by including input in the daily stand-up meeting and setting up an anonymous suggestion box are both excellent ideas.

Not only do these solutions improve internal communication but they also raise the likelihood of success. Because of it, the team will have increased flexibility. And as a result, workers will experience increased levels of joy and productivity.

Recognize good work

If your team just started working from home, it's more important than ever to let them know how much you appreciate their hard work.

It's important to let workers know that you see when they do their best. Consider making a "work-from-home employee of the month" award, and encourage all of your employees to take part in the nomination process.

This not only shows your department what other employees are doing, but it also gives your employees a reason to work harder.

Final words

Take these tips into serious consideration once you start developing your productivity-boosting strategy. If possible, combine these into a single comprehensive strategy for the best results and you’ll see the positive effects in no time.