Four Ways To Improve Employees' Wellbeing

If there is one important job for an employer, it’s looking after the people who work under them. Every single business needs a good workforce behind it to be successful and every employee needs a great boss behind them to know that they are getting what they need in terms of support. It’s your duty as a leader to make sure your staff are comfortable, happy and able to hit their goals. This is probably your most important job as a business leader, as the happier your staff are, the longer they’ll stay and work with you. 


The best way to do that? Ask them. If you are the type of employer who would look at making improvements to your employees’ wellbeing, you’re going to be popular. With this in mind, Here are four ways you can improve the wellbeing of your employees

1. Start Taking Their Mental Health Seriously

There is plenty of awareness when it comes to mental health but there is not enough specific awareness for mental health in the workplace. As human beings, it’s hard to be in one place for hours on end all day, especially when you have no choice but to be there because you need money to live. You have to take the mental health of your employees seriously, and that works by asking them what they need. Work can become a huge stressor for employees, and it’s clear that overworking the people who work for you can cause huge issues in your business as well as personally for each staff member. You need your staff to be happy, healthy and ready to work for you so they can reach their goals. Have regular meetings with the people working for you and make sure you are offering training, online courses and support.

2. Be Flexible With Working Hours

As an employee, you might remember what it was like to try and fit in dentist and doctor appointments and time with the kids around work. Now you’re the employer and you are the one ensuring others can do that. Your people may be contracted to work 8-6, but that doesn't mean that you can’t be flexible in the hours you give your staff. You can allow staff to work from home, split their time between home and office and more. You could even be the type of employer who doesn't dock pay or annual leave just because there is an appointment to be attended. These are people, too, and they deserve to have time to get their health checked or to see their kids’ school plays. If people are working well, then be flexible with their hours and let them manage however they want to. 

3. Consider Employees’ Physical & Mental Health

Burnout isn't just about mental health. Burnout occurs as a result of your staff being worked too hard and the physical impact of this is just as telling as the mental impact. For many, work means spending a lot of time sitting at a desk and staring at the screen. You need to put your employees first, and that means making sure that they get up and walk around throughout the day, that they take regular breaks and that they feel safe to ask for desk assessments when needed. This means ensuring that you are aware of ergonomic office furniture - the right chairs and desks can make a difference to their comfort through the day. The concern of a lack of support from employers is a big one, and you have to create an environment in which your staff feel safe and secure in reporting any concerns they may have. Give your staff an office gym if it's a possibility or ask them to get up from their desks and leave for some fresh air during lunch breaks. You could also ensure that your employees have health insurance as a benefit just in case of any accidents.

4. Offer A Better Working Environment

One of the best ways to ensure your staff have a great working environment is to ask them what they need. If people are spending time at work all day, they need to have basic comforts to ensure they are able to work better. Avoiding things that make people uncomfortable is one thing but ensuring they have exactly what they need to make working life easy will motivate them.

When you ask your employees at work what they want, collate all of the ideas together and ensure you bring the plans you have back to your staff for approval. From courses to help them improve their education and promotion prospects, to offering a breakout space for people to relax in, you can make sure your staff are happy. You can also use the results from your surveys to show that you listen to your employees and want them to do well in your business.

Employees are people, and they deserve to have your attention, which means listening to what they have to say and giving them as much support as possible. Improving the wellbeing of your employees means being the person who is there for them, who wants to help them improve and makes every effort to do so. Your staff will only thank you for it.