3 AI Tools That Will Help You Manage Your Business Every Day

Operating a business is increasingly complex especially when time, security, and productivity are concerned. In addition, the fast-paced nature of modern business requires relevant, accurate and up-to-date data for all company assets. These areas include documentation and organization, accountability and compliance, and employee management.

As is the case with most sectors today, artificial intelligence programs can help simplify complex operations or perform them all together. Even seemingly simple programs such as email automation can streamline company operations and free up human time to focus on more crucial tasks. Some of the best tools include:

·       Grammarly

·       Intraspexion

·       Zenefits 

Grammarly can help with common grammar mistakes while guiding you to a specified writing goal. Zenefits actively scans electronic information for potential legal issues and advises where necessary. Intraspexion streamlines the entire HR process, reduces time spent on common tasks, and helps to eliminate common mistakes.

Grammarly - Better Writing

One of the most popular writing tools around, Grammarly, contains some of the best text-checking algorithms available. On an individual level, the app is compelling, but on a business level, it is almost unrivalled. Whether you have excellent writing skills or not, the tool can make suggestions and edits based on style guides and goals that you set.

Guides and goals ensure that you can project a particular style on a company-wide scale or for specific test cases.  For example, assessing high-risk work training providers for employee licensing might require a statistical and analytical writing style. On the other hand, for company newsletters, you might adopt an informal manner.

Intraspexion - Avoid Legal Issues

A modern primary concern for many companies these days revolves around legal issues. While there is no substitute for a good lawyer, AI tools can help with potentially damaging litigation risks. Intraspexion is one such tool that you should consider for your company. The tool will run the background of your network and analyze written electronic documents such as email, websites and reports.

Should any issues be detected, Intraspexion will alert you to any potential litigation matters and suggest options for dealing with them. The tool uses deep learning algorithms and blockchain as an early warning system against threats of interest. For example, on a basic level, the AI technology can analyze potentially damaging emails or it can identify budgeting, personnel and insurance issues. 

Zenefits - Manage HR Effectively

HR is a demanding sector that requires highly efficient management processes. Much of the work involved in HR involves data analysis through reports and information gathering. Business intelligence systems such as Zenefits can streamline many of the processes involved in management via business intelligence algorithms.

This tool enables you to handle critical aspects of HR such as payroll, health insurance, and employee diversity by tracking specified data sets. Crucial data will result in streamlined efficiency and workflow, and operations can reduce the time spent to 10% of what is usually required. Additionally, the AI interface will help eliminate common human input errors associated with employee management, such as tax information and payments.